Videos & Alumni Testimonials

What do Tidelines students take away from the Glacier Bay Semester? Renewed faith in their ability to change the world. A close-knit intellectual community. Deep connections to the natural world. Explore the meaning and purpose that students find at Tidelines in this short video featuring our 2023 cohort.

What is it like to be a student at our semester program? Class time, garden chores, splitting firewood, gathering the piano, biking to the beach… and so much more! Watch this video made by our 2024 cohort for a sneak peek!

“The Glacier Bay program impacted me very personally… It allowed me to explore things that I had never got the opportunity to, and it led me to the path that I want to take, which is becoming a climate scientist.”
Noah Vargas, Berea College

“This program offers a really unique opportunity to be immersed in the Alaskan lifestyle and to study at the same time. And those two things wind up speaking to each other in ways that are surprising and delighting and transformative.”
Madison Kartoz, Boston University

“I was really surprised by the transformation that occurred in me. I feel like I became so mature, a better listener, a better communicator, a better community member.”
Feven Negussie, Barnard College