Alaskan education with a vision for the world

Welcome to Tidelines Institute

In the communities and wildlands of Síx' Tlein (Icy Strait) and Sít' Eeti Gheeyí (Glacier Bay)

In communities you can't reach by road

Student courses like no other

Semester program   Short courses   Community workshops

Liberal arts, scientific inquiry, & experiential learning

In the classroom and in the field, our courses engage students in mind and body.

  • original scientific research
  • nationally-recognized innovations in higher education
  • practical workshops in first aid or motor maintenance

Tidelines Institute offers all of the above.

Learn to live a meaningful, active, hands-on life… in Southeast Alaska, or wherever you call home.

Honoring Tlingit culture & values

as we live, work, and study on the ancestral homelands of the Huna Káawu.

Connecting to each other & the natural world

Carrots and peas from the garden. Eggs from the coop. Smiling faces gathered to share the bounty. Centered around local foods, welcoming students from every background, each meal at Tidelines is a moment for gratitude – and a chance to reconnect to the things that really matter.

Total immersion

amid glacial fjords, alpine summits, and the world’s largest temperate rainforest, opening onto the wilds of Glacier Bay National Park & the Tongass National Forest.

Preparing a diverse generation

of citizens, stewards, and leaders to tackle our greatest challenges:

  • climate change
  • civic fracture
  • inequality & injustice

Two campuses.
Infinite possibilities.

This is Tidelines Institute